Saturday, July 08, 2006

"Have you ever blogged about my ass?"

"Have you ever blogged about my ass?" This is what my wife says to me at 11:30 pm Saturday. She doesn't own a donkey or burro, so you can rule that out immediately. So,that particular question, when asked, is apt to catch anyone off guard, even if one may have some particular assful wisdom or information to share. Ass, never really rolls off the tongue, or through the fingers easily and or without shit flying everywhere, so the question made me giggle and possibly pee just a little. The question itself was funny, but mainly the seriousness of the tone.... struck me.... (Not literally - focus fuckers...) It was a real, and sincere question. To which I replied "huh... wtf? no" - but since she threw it out there, I'm gonna have to work with it... walk through it, or chip it, I'm just not sure how to do it justice quite yet.... Either way, "I love you honey!"

Stay tuned for "Why is there butt-cream in my make-up container?"


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