Saturday, October 14, 2006

Queen for a day.....

So, I got e-mail.... From several people... about my last post... I was just having a day, and sometimes I just don't think I can do it. I type it, cause if I don't I'll explode. I'm/We're peachy.
Moving on...

Bryan, a close friend of mine and chameleon guru, got attacked for the first time this week, I consider this a "christening" of sorts and kinda funny.

BTW, R&C have your people call my people and put us on effing schedule or risk ex-communication...

On further thought and review this blog should be titled when Chameleons, Weasels, Anacondas, and the US Fish and Wildlife service attacks.

UPDATE: Kenny - (In your head use Robert Stacks's voice from that "Unsolved Mysteries" tv show - trench coat, smoke and all... while reading the following.)

Kenny, 36, Pot Smoker - Re-enactment....

Vanished, but called "friend"explaining he was living with some new friends, "was nearly out of minutes on his cell phone" and was sick of taking his 80 year old parents, "Shit!" Current whereabouts unknown last seen in a white ice cream truck, make/model unknown late 80's, American. If you have information - keep it to yourself.

I'm happy we broke it off clean anyway, but I can't say I won't miss him a little.

My friend Sarah - not WIF, although they have the same B-day, wierd, got a new baby weasel/ferret, I could have gotton it for her cheaper... But she sent me pics and it's very cute, and apparently weasels like bath toys...? I gather this from some rather odd weasel websites and her photos... hehe...

She and let's call him "Adam" to protect his identity, have multiple weasels. Now, having worked in the Animal Biz on and off for a good portion of my life, I have tried to impart upon her the cold hard facts, that ferrets never die a natural death... Seriously, think about it, have you ever heard of a ferret dying of old age.... Maybe being squished, or lost or eaten or maybe you have worked at a petshop where breeder ferrets were bought because they were cheaper for the owner to purchase, and you had to use a chain-mail glove to reach into the cage to feed them, and subsequently got attacked on a daily basis and ended up setting them free (at said owners request) in Nacogdoches, wherein the (Wild Ferrets) began attacking random college students (who called the cops), and your employer is fined by the city and the weasels are captured and are fed to anacondas, but dying of old age...? You never hear about that happening.

Well, I'm here to report I think S&A will actually set a record and it's quite possible a ferret will truly die of old age, if said ferrets remain in their care... From what I gather she's nuerotic in her care of her/their weasels and spends a great deal of money on weasel "check-ups. Props to her...

Other news, my wife and I got our DBA, TAX ID, Import/Export License, and finished paying off our breeding Amazon Basin Emeralds this week. Also, I bring in my first African shipment or at least get my first CITES permits on Monday, could be a week after before the shipment arrives, but first I have to go through USFW to make sure the paperwork is legit, now I only have 1274 things left on my to do list. Fuckin' A.

My kid, the one who needs a blog, asked the wif and I who "Jesus" was recently... We are into the "So, what do you think.." school of parenting... So when I asked Rhett, "Well, who do you think Jesus is?" His reply was beautiful...

Rhett says "Jesus was a singer..." and "He doesn't bite."

I'll leave you with this. Because I it made me laugh and I think I'll be buying it....


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