Cool or Lame?
Come on, YOU think it...
Probably all the time... If you're like me (LAME)!!! AND, you are... YOU are reading THIS BLOG?
(Take a minute to ponder that.)
A friend of mine and I were (pondering that) -NOT READING THE BLOG- last night, or rather, THIS morning.
There are certain parts of our lives that we ALL hold on to. For practical purposes mainly.
Like good times we had in high school or college, or when we got our first job, BJ, pretty girlfriend / boyfriend, merit badge (NEVER COOL MAN - EVER) - - whatever really.
I'm talking about the times when WE felt WE were actually cool.
It seems those are fewer now. hmmm?
First off, In my opinion - I think "COOL" means recognizing when: persons, places, things, or ideas are in fact, "LAME". This is the basis for ALL of OUR collective "COOL" moments. At least the "FEW" cool moments we each believed we experienced at some point. AND not by proxy.
That being my baseline. This following statement actually threw me for a loop.
My friend said: "Dude we're in our thirties; it's fuckin' cold, and we have to be either REALLY COOL or REALLY LAME."
Well, "Fuck me twice!"
What the fuck... Buzzkill dude. Seriously?
Now remember what my baseline for cool is: Did I now at this particular moment in my life no longer recognize that I had become "lame"? If so, when did this take place? Have others, we'll call them - "coolies" always realized I was lame? Have they taken pity on me?
Or was I cool, but somehow spellbound by my -lame- friend?
And the frightening thing is...
His statement and my question just above are - BOTH VALID - right?
As for my determination.... After much scraping (MUCH SCRAPING) and deliberation...
And even upon further reflection while scraping some more.
I think as I always have...
The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
I just think we're "cool" in a "lame" sort of way.
Addendum: to this comment regarding grapples
- Anonymous said...
- I'm just glad you finally conceded that it's pronounced GRAPE-L.
- And what's the Vegas reference...? Is that a shot at me?!