Words, Words, Words..... What are they good for?

Yes Callers'....
That is the question.... Post a response. SERIOUSLY
I was thinking about why we write or sing or blog or talk and this being a blog, it IS, supposed TO be read, and NOT read.... Is there anyone out there, and if so.... why?
Why is any of this interesting, or engaging to you the reader, what purpose does it serve, in your life? In mine? Why should you care?
Yes, sometimes OUR (all of our) lives ARE funny, but are they funny haha, OR funny trainwreck?
Why do all of us take pictures or send cards or write in diaries....
Are we processing? Are we LEARNING?
The only thing I can come up with so far, is so we can see what kind of idealistic assholes we were at an earlier point in time. Maybe, it's to document that we weren't always assholes....?
It's not just documenting that we enjoy... What is it we enjoy.
BESIDES: Califonication and Weeds.
Leslie, If your comment is "fish tacos" I'm gonna kill you, BUT I would snicker a bit....
I read your blog because it's hilarious (check next to funny) AND sometimes I get mentioned so it's also narcissitic (check narcissitic). I also like it when there are pictures (of me). I have had both bite me in the ass when I guy I was dating found me referenced in a blog... and a seperate instance where some pictures I didn't remember were posted and a gf saw them (I did nothing gross or inappropriate by the way).
I don't have my own blog because I am completely self-interested and lewd. My friend let me post to his for awhile. I would get drunk and write dirty limricks. He had to create a special password protected area so his mother wouldn't read them.
I've somehow made this comment totally about me. I love you and WYF.
I'm trying to guess who you are (SC) and I have a good idea, I think... (SC)
I'm happy someone reads these days. How about you post here, there IS value in dirty limricks you know...
It's a whole new world...
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