Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Response to "maverick"

Mav was kind enough to repond via comment to my last blog wherein she corroberated my version of events and refuted others. As I believe in an honest debate and her comments continue to make me snicker.... I felt they deserved their own response and new entry....

MAV: this is maverick and i'd like to respond:>

"wonderfully cool, wickedly funny friend, who always seems to have plans, cause she's all cool and alternative lifestyley - was available to hang out"
MAV: --beyond my first point that lifestyley isn't a word, i'd like to say thanks for your description. we lesbians like to keep it real.

Goose: Some of you like to keep it real, but I need to say for the record, that for such a smiley bunch with a happy flag many of your compatriots were decidely unfriendly toward my advances (on your behalf) and my innocent queries regarding the possible use of empty chairs. Lesbians seem to be very possessive of furniture - in my opinion....

>"Here is where the duality of our causes converged"
MAV: --well said, for our causes were, indeed, convergent. we were both on a mission to be hit on at a gay bar. you, breeder, had your reasons. i, lesbian, had mine.

Goose: Hmmm.... I don't think I like your tone.... I was there for YOU! And because I wanted to hang out with hot lesbians....
But for the sake of argument.... I did think the novelty may be flattering, but the 2 times I was approached you will recall I made us move cause it felt a little creepy.

>"although she did have to seal the deal"
MAV:--ok, so you make it sound like the sole purpose of the outing was for me to go home with someone. which? even though it was...i don't think EITHER of us thought that would really happen. you see, i'm a virgin in that regard. the one-nighters have never been my cup of tea. so i really think i should point out that the whole going home with someone thing was a TOTAL JOKE. i never saw it coming to fruition. i digress. 'seal the deal' isn't exactly romantic. i'd like to say, for the record, that the female in question was lovely and kind and responsible and smart and generally not someone you'd expect to stereotypically leave the bar with (stereotypes were all i had to go on before now, you see). the point being, that i would not have anticipated actually having a coherent conversation with said female at a later date.

did i mention i took her for really tasty tacos the next day for lunch?

Goose: Not gonna dispute any of that, but have to say "Tasty Tacos" That's the best quote ever and sounds dirty in ANY context... I'm humbled and proud.

>"we were on fire literally"
MAV: --dear god, we were. the stars aligned for us!

Goose: Good Times...

>"Our elaborate plan even included props"
MAV: --this was our best idea of the evening. and i love that you think by standing in the middle of a gay mecca, you can look straight by holding a koozie (not so much).

Goose: Are you saying I looked gay before the koozie, cause I disagree, the koozie made me look gay, (Put a rainbow on ANYTHING it's gay - even the sky) I didn't get hit on before I had the koozie.... btw, neither did you!

>"Watching two chicks smooch in your backseat isn't as cool as you might think it would be when you don't know how to get home....."
MAV: --how many times did i have to say THROCKMORTON?! seriously. would it have killed you to stop with the incessant questions for a bit and just drive around aimlessly lost?!>

Goose: Here is where our "cause" was no longer common and our goals no longer the same..... See at this point I was surprised and delighted at our success, and looking forward to getting home where I would be retiring my koozie and settling in to sleep.... You on the other hand were looking forward to intense all night girl love.

"Keep smiling maverick... my office gossip is getting better and I had a blast."
MAV: --don't worry. i smile every day. >

Goose: Glad I could help... Anytime... It was a sacrifice I made... say nothing more...
BTW, How is "tasty taco?"

"not that this is a competition or anything...."
MAV: --OH - IT IS! s, i'm sorry to say, but jer has not only topped you with this outing, he may now be unattainable in the realm of office gossip. good luck, girl.

Goose: I dunno, WIF can give anyone a run for their money...

MAV: finally, to whomever is reading out there, you CAN go home with a completely great person from a bar. it happens. and to my neighbors, i apologize for noise. ---maverick

Goose: Next time press "record"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maverick,take mee.

J thanks for makin me snicker...

6:14 AM  

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