Thursday, October 18, 2007

Well Played

So, tonight I have a ton to write about, but I'm not gonna... No, tonight you're just getting fluff...

I think this picture about sums it up. I spent a part of my day, albeit a small part, looking at lizard dicks... A woman wanted a "mate" for her lizard and needed to know whether she should be getting a male or female for her lizard, sooo; she sent me lizard porn.

In fairness to her, I did tell her I'd need to see a picture. So, technically; I asked for it...

Wow, at what point do you just think, "I should have listened to a guidance counselor?"

Now by looking at the femoral pores, (above picture) and the two bulges below the vent, and taking into account the lizards age, it definitely looks to be a boy. (Side note) REPTILES HAVE TWO DICKS - They can use either one, pretty cool... I mean if you were having trouble with one... I don't know why I care to even know this shit anymore...

Moving on...

A friend and I were talking this evening about bad ideas. It started when we were talking about the bombing today in Pakistan. You see it appears that the ex-leader of the country; former Pakistani Prime Minister - Benazir Bhutto, returning after years in exile, had her motorcade attacked by suicide bombers, which ended up killing at least 124 people and injuring 320 more, Bhutto, reportedly was unhurt. Hmmm

I explained that this was an example of people just not recognizing the difference between a good or a bad idea.

A. Good Idea= NOT returning to a country you were thrown out of during a military coup (You'll get killed) fuckin' duh!
B. Good Idea= adding "I am one of very few females to ever run an Islamic country for awhile" to your resume'

I mean in america, that chick would at the very least have an awesome book deal or be the newest replacement on "The View"

Instead I/we/people are drawn to bad ideas.

--Note to: Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto-- THIS is a Bad Idea= returning to a country still run by a military dictatorship, that just happened to kick your ass out of government, and likely on threat of your limbs, also the country. Get the hell out, You're still alive and now, a flippin' shoe-in for that "VIEW" gig...

As we began listing politically incorrect bad ideas, it dawned on me how funny some ideas are.


1. "I'm only gonna be in west africa once, why not hook up with a stripper?"
2. Asking Republican Larry Craig if he "tap dances"...
3. Applying to be an "Ice Berg Look-Out Guy" , gets assignment to; Titanic, and thinks "This'll be easy shit- fucking thing is UNSINKABLE."
4. Buying light bulbs made by blind people- QA must be great, and you know if the fucking thing doesn't work, you sure the hell aren't going to ask for your money back... Then, you'd just be a dick.
4." Asking your WIF if YOU are being rational"
5. Eating local cuisine on Safari in the congo..
6. Giving your step mom a NEW bong for her birthday
7. Asking questions that you already know the answers to, that inevitably leave you stumped on a porch somewhere smoking ultra-light cigarettes"

Any and all of these ideas are bad, dangerous, and potentially lethal.... yet funny, sad, real, and possibly part of the reason we enjoy life.

Continuing my stream of consciousness...

Al and I recently went into the studio with another friend and recorded 6 new -rough- demo tracks for what I hope will be a full fledged EP of the variety that we could possibly sell. I'm quite proud of some of it, and Alex pulls off a killer vocal performance of a Rufus W. song "Vibrate" It's very much like Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah" in quality and tone - perfect.

It's also an interesting song in that it seems to address in a very distinct way, the ramifications of communication in the digital age and the adjustments we must all make in our lives to communicate with each other in non-traditional ways.

Staying "connected" never really keeps us "connected" does it? It seemingly makes us spend less time with the people we should, who are right in front of us, more time with the people we want to spend time with who are far away, and generally leaves us with no time for reflection.

REFLECTING? Introspection?

I hope Al and I actually start playing more in front of actual audiences, it makes me happy I think.

I hope that all of the people in my life will still be in my life 16 or 17 years from now... I hope my kiddos know how much I love them and how proud I am to be their dad.

I hope I get more things right than wrong, AND....

I hope that myopic seeing eye dogs will eventually be able to get lasik eye surgery at the -Boothe Eye Care and Laser Center.

Night Night


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