
- From the latin: praecox or (Early Ripening) and coquere: (to cook)
I, for one may "cook early" on occasion -noted-, but certainly could never be accused of "maturing too early". This is important, because I'm/We're apparently not grown ups.
My good friend Alex told me last night whilst he was on a camping excursion with the cub scouts and son that, and I quote..."It's kind of weird being around REAL grown-ups...
Now setting the stage a bit.... I was a little put-off by the statement at first. Alex and I are good friends and I was like... "Dude we're grown-ups, we got kids and shit, and we're good fathers etc..etc.. His reply... "No man, we aren't and neither is anyone we know..."
Precocious statement from a child I thought... (insert laugh now)
Now some of you may think I'm talking like a scientologist gone "clear", but I'm not... I think that wearing fake miltary outfits (So there is no confusion Alex doesn't BTW), becoming part of "a pack" and hanging out in the woods with guys who'd rather teach "hoop knots" than actually talk to their kids is goofy... Plus there is a strict "no alcohol policy"
AND it's a little gay...
Rhett and Evan - sorry guys - you can't join that club... If you want to be Indian Princesses... well, we'll talk, but camping will be done as a family or with friends..... And the ADULTS - AKA - Grown-ups... Will have a strict alcohol policy of their own.
It's true that I have precocious children, (THEY ARE EFFING SMART), it's true that I have not matured enough....
It is also true however, that I will never be a grown-up in the traditional sense. I'm never going to make millions, or join the church choir, I'm never going to be traditional...
Moving on.... The Saga of the "terrible almost 4's"
I think Rhett could be "Amish" It's unsettling, and it's something the WIF and I have been fretting about as of late.
He (Rhett) has begun to come home from school singing "Jesus Loves Me" AND, if that weren't bad enough. He has gotton to the point that he is up and ready to start the day (All day EVERY day) at 5:00 am.
WTF dude? Come on, would it kill you to sleep until 7:30 once in awhile?
If he starts expressing an interest in the fine arts of "barn-raising" or "cabinetry"...
Well, I could end up in a fucking church choir or on a cub scout camping trip....
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